GREEN MANI - Prevention and recycling of urban solid waste

The Municipality of West Mani on the occasion of the launch of the program "Awareness of the population for waste management", entitled: "GREEN MANI-PREVENTION AND RECYCLING OF URBAN SOLID WASTE IN THE MUNICIPALITY".

This program will last eighteen months until February 2022. It is the first proposal submitted to the NGO "Argonauts" and approved while proceeding with its implementation while we are waiting for other approvals from similar proposals submitted by the Municipality of West Mani.

In order for the problem of waste management to be successful, 100% of the organized groups of our Municipality, Associations and municipal associations need to participate, so that together with the Municipal Authority, the participation and support of the vast majority of Citizens can be achieved. Only in this way will the "bad habits" that result in the pollution and pollution of the environment be overcome.

The Municipal Authority proceeded to transfer its waste to a legal landfill, but this management is still expensive. Sorting at the source is a way of waste management that will bring financial benefits to the Municipality for this and we support all programs related to it.

The first goal for the next period is that we should focus on the "disposal of organic waste", which thus reduces 40% of waste. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT TO MANAGE THE REST. In this way, we will achieve the goals required by the European Union without paying unbearable fines that have already been announced.

source: Facebook Dimos Ditikis Manis