For more information on Dimos matters, you can email

Telephone number for the Dimos 27213  60901

Reporting dangerous tree branches near power lines  (Advice from W Mani Dimos)
If tree branches are in contact with or dangerously close to PPC cables, you can report directly to the DEDDHE at: 1050, 2721045828, 2721097878.
For details in Greek see  Reporting dangerous tree branches

Plumber appointed: Alexandros Paouris is a graduate and a qualified water Engineer who has recently come to live in W Mani. He has his own business (WATER & GAS 27210 79189 or Mobile 6932 220710 ), but has accepted an 8 month contract with the Dimos, to work on improving water services to the W Mani community, and it is hoped that the contract will be renewed.
However, please remember that there are serious concerns this year, about low water levels in the aquifers, and there may be some rationing. Also, please report leaks to the Dimos promptly. see ABOUT WATER


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you are fairly fluent in Greek and English and could help with reviewing messages, and providing feedback, please email the address below)

Please keep your messages as brief as possible, WITH ONLY ONE TOPIC PER EMAIL and submit them to

Dimos issues : with the following details :

1. If the matter is urgent , please put URGENT at the top of your email

2. Type of message .

Offer of help/expertize

3. General category


4. Contact information Name, email address, phone number

Everyone who emails the Dimos Link will be added to the Dimos-Link e-mailing list automatically unless they ask not to be.


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