The 'CLEAN MANI' Assoc was founded in June 2017.
We publish news of the association's activities and events here. For more information, or to register as a member, contact:
Sofia Christophilopoulou sophiachristof\gmail,
Ilias Moutzouris iliasmoutzouris\gmail Tel. 6973934747,
Christos Kiskyreas kiskyras\gmail Tel. 6932442551 or
Evangelos Katsouleas evangelos.katsouleas\gmail
The CLEAN MANI Facebook page: 'CLEAN MANI' welcomes ideas and suggestions from the community. A good way to share them is on their Facebook page. If you have any ideas visit their page. ΚΑΘΑΡΗ ΜΑΝΗ, CLEAN MANI
A major goal will be to reduce the volume of rubbish we produce - the ultimate long term goal being NO rubbish! This involves changing our attitudes to garbage and viewing it as a resource. In order to achieve this, a big part of the group's work will be to recruit members from schools , businesses, and representatives from all the local villages, as well as motivated individuals willing to help with 'spreading the word'. Key aspects of the education program will be recycling by 'separating at source' and composting.
The Assoc will be democratic, and any ideas/suggestions will be welcome. However, it was recognized that the group would need expert help and advice. A conference, originally proposed for late June, has been deferred until December 2017. This will be an opportunity to learn from experts involved with various aspects of waste management.
To achieve their goals, the Association is looking for Government/municipal funding, donations from businesses & individuals, and fund raising ideas, but most importantly MEMBERS
Anyone interested in registering their support for this community initiative, will be very welcome. Please send your NAME, email ADDRESS and PHONE number to Dr Sophia. sophiachristof\gmail until the group has official status, and an official email address.
** Details of founding group are at the bottom of this page
June 9th: Message from Dr Sophia: - Please come to the meeting in Lower Riglia tonight.
"Dimos employees are cleaning and painting on the main road to Kalamata which is very encouraging... I saw them collecting rubbish and another day painting in Stavropigio, So there is no reason to arrange a cleaning day on the main road at the moment, but if someone notices a dirty area he can call me 6977 779 314 and we can all go there together and clean."
Although there are groups and individuals who have been working independently to help deal with garbage problems and environmental protection in W Mani, this initiative is an association for ALL people in the area who are willing to work together to care for our environment and work towards reducing the huge volumes of waste we all produce. The initiating group (see below) is calling on all the cultural associations of Mani to participate, and help educate the inhabitants of distant villages.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Association or helping to improve our environment, will be very welcome
Cultural Association for 'CLEAN MANI'
Activation of Citizens for the Environment and
Waste management
West Mani 2-6-2017
Dear Colleagues, residents of the Municipality of West Mani,
We all know the problem of uncontrolled garbage production, from businesses and households, and the serious problem it creates for all of us. The health effects caused by its pollution of the environment from all sorts of waste and the contamination that lurks within, are obvious and tragic.
We all understand that this blight will eventually overwhelm the environment with waste and threaten our tourism economy. In addition, the overproduction of waste leads to draining of resources from Municipal Authorities that would be useful for Infrastructure projects. Finally, the fines paid by Greece for non complinance with the European Waste Management Directives are exorbitant, and come from all of our pockets.
The irreversibility and arbitrariness that is both the cause and the consequence, Are created by the inconsistency and unwillingness to think not only Ourselves, but society, since we all live in the same place We have an obligation to be interested not only in our own interests but also to We put it in the common good.
All the above and more require us to address this problem. Only if we create awareness in all can we get results.
We know that this is not the first time efforts have been made. Many of us have made efforts, one way or another, so we think by joining forces in an independent association that suits all, with absolute respect for the ideas of all, and democratic discussion and management, we all will succeed.
The State and the Municipal Authority have their own role and statutory obligation to act on the basis of their laws and resources.
Our role is about all of us, and how we will respond as citizens That is, we produce the garbage, and how we will mobilize and work together to eliminate this problem.
Let's note two basic principles.
1st The rubbish is ours (and whoever pollutes has to pay)
2nd In both European and Greek legislation environmental pollution is prohibited
The Greek environment in particular, is something unique from both a physical and cultural point of view, and we need to preserve it.
Our first decision is to hold a conference, towards the end of June, We will have invited speakers who have been involved with the issue of waste management and will pass on their experiences, and who will each discuss with us for 10 minutes, in order for us to form a good idea of how things are done Some things have already been done.
Then, equipped with all this, we shall see what we can do in this area.
So we ask everyone to participate and we appeal to all of the clubs/groups operating in West Mani to do this too, to give the event the greatest chance of success. Participation of all will be without personal interests being imposed. The project will be a task for all of us. Let's prove that we can beautify our place and ensure good life expectancy for our children.
(Dr) Sophia Christofilopoulou, Kiskiras Christos (ex vice-mayor and ex-principal of the high school in Kardamili), Ilias Moutzouris,( the microbiologist who was working in Stoupa and he is going to work in the new laboratory), Evangelos Katsouleas (who works for Blauel), Chiouteas George, Eleni Meimetea , Georgia Meimetea, Maria Petropoulou (who is a speech therapist) , George Mantzouneas, Ilias Paliatseas (owner of Aniska and Liakoto hotels in Kardamili), Stavroula Nikoloudi (who is frequently cleaning in Ag Nikolaos, owner of Petrino Villas and member of local cultural association).
ANNOUNCEMENT - 26 November 2017
Dear residents of West Mani,
Our association “Clean Mani” was formed by a group of people who delivered actions on an ad hoc basis but to date it did not achieve the desired impact.
During the last months, we joined forces hoping to mobilize everyone around the problem of the waste disposal that affects our area.
Therefore, further to democratic debates held in several meetings, we submitted the statute of the Association to the Court of First Instance and we are starting to organize the future actions.
Currently, we are inviting all residents of the area to become members of the association. The yearly contribution has been set to EUR 10. However, we welcome people who would like to participate in any of the actions of the Association, even without becoming members.
Since we are volunteers, we would appreciate knowing how much time you would be able to dedicate to this and how you would be able to help so that we can organize the tasks accordingly.
The areas of work that we have identified so far are the following:
1. Mobilizing schools and parents associations;
2. Organizing campaigns and collaborating with the municipality to ensure that waste is disposed in the appropriate bins;
3. Developing a composting network;
4. Collecting and pressing recyclable waste (paper, plastic, aluminium cans);
5. Initiatives to clean specific areas and raise awareness on the importance of avoiding pollution;
6. Talks and seminars on a regular basis on issues concerning waste disposal.
Currently we are looking for one or two spaces on farming land close to the coast area of approximately 5sqm each where a small-scale composting unit may be set up as well as other spaces for composting within our neighbourhoods.
In addition, we are looking for a small room to store the pressing machine that is going to be donated to us by Mr Saranteas Sotirios and the processed recycled paper in order to protect them from the rain.
We invite anybody who is able to support with any of the above to contact us.
Suggestions, advice and offers of collaboration are welcome.
SOPHIA CHRISTOFILOPOULOU 6977779314 sophiachristof\gmail
Αγαπητοί κάτοικοι της Δυτικής Μάνης
Ο Σύλλογός μας ΄΄ΚΑΘΑΡΗ ΜΑΝΗ΄΄ δημιουργήθηκε από κατοίκους της περιοχής μας που κατά καιρούς είχαμε κάποια δραστηριότητα γύρω από περιβαλλοντικά θέματα, που όμως μέχρι σήμερα δεν είχε καθολικό αποτέλεσμα.
Εδώ και μερικούς μήνες ενώσαμε τις δυνάμεις μας ελπίζοντας να κινητοποιήσουμε τους πάντες γύρω από το ζήτημα των απορριμμάτων που ταλαιπωρεί την κοινωνία μας.
Καταθέσαμε το καταστατικό στο Πρωτοδικείο, που δημοκρατικά σε πολλές συγκεντρώσεις καταλήξαμε και αρχίζουμε την οργάνωση των δραστηριοτήτων μας.
Καλούμε τους κατοίκους της περιοχής μας να γίνουν μέλη του Συλλόγου μας. Η ετήσια συνδρομή έχει οριστεί σε 10€. Φυσικά και η απλή συμμετοχή στο Σύλλογο και στις κορυφαίες εκδηλώσεις του είναι ευπρόσδεκτη.
Όμως επειδή είμαστε όλοι εθελοντές σ’ αυτή την προσπάθεια θα θέλαμε να μας απαντήσετε τί χρόνο θα μπορείτε να διαθέσετε και με ποιο τρόπο ώστε να μπορέσουμε να κάνουμε κατανομή δραστηριοτήτων.
Οι εργασίες ή τομείς δραστηριοτήτων που αυτή τη στιγμή έχουμε αφορούν:
1. Την κινητοποίηση των Σχολικών Μονάδων και Συλλόγων Γονέων.
2. Την διοργάνωση και συμμετοχή μας σε ενημερωτικές καμπάνιες του Δήμου ώστε να μπαίνουν τα απορρίμματα στους σωστούς κάδους.
3. Την κομποστοποίηση
4. Την συγκέντρωση ανακυκλώσιμων υλικών ( χαρτί, πλαστικό, κουτάκια αλουμινίου ) και ΄΄μπαλοποίηση ΄΄.
5. Δράσεις καθαρισμού ορισμένων περιοχών και για την ευαιστητοποίηση όλων μας να μή ρυπαίνουμε.
6. Ομιλίες και ημερίδες με θέματα τη διαχείριση απορριμμάτων.
Αναζητούμε έναν δύο μικρούς χώρους οικοπέδων στην παραλιακή ζώνη της τάξεως των 5 τ.μ. το καθένα, που θα τσιμεντωθούν, ώστε να στηθεί μικρή μονάδα κομποστοποίησης, αλλά και άλλοι χώροι για κομποστοποίηση γειτονιάς.
Επίσης, αν μπορέσουμε, να βρούμε μία μικρή αποθήκη να στεγάσουμε την πρέσσα ( μπαλοποιητή ) και τις μπάλες από χαρτί να μη βρέχονται.
Όποιος γνωρίζει κάτι που μπορεί να βοηθήσει σε όλα τα παραπάνω παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνήσει μαζί μας.
Είναι ευπρόσδεκτες: Συμβουλές, Προτάσεις και Προσφορά εργασίας.
Χρίστος Κισκήρας 6932442551
Ηλίας Μουτζούρης 6973934747
Γεώργιος Χιουτέας 6976567282
Σοφία Χριστοφιλοπούλου 6977779314, sophiachristof\gmail